This portal is an innovative and transparent platform on which our customers can review and grade the registered inspectors and consultants for their services. To be visible to our clients in Shipping Industry, the surveyor needs to register and manage his/ her account on the platform. The customers can review and grade the inspectors for their services. In this new approach, inspectors will have greater accountability for their services toward clients.

To register as an inspector with Shipinspectors, please visit ShipInspectors's website at www.shipinspectors.com, or you can click on the link https://www.shipinspectors.com/. Click on the 'Create Account' tab on the top right of the webpage as marked with a red box as shown below. Click on 'Ship inspectors' and fill in the details to register yourself as an inspector       

Shipinspectors is designed and managed by Sinotech Marine to review and grade the ship inspector's services. In addition to this, this platform will help the inspectors to manage assignment inquiries from Sinotech Marine from start to end.

To register as an inspector with Shipinspectors, please visit ShipInspectors's website at www.shipinspectors.com, or you can click on the link https://www.shipinspectors.com/. Click on the 'Create Account' tab on the top right of the webpage as marked with a red box as shown below. Click on 'Ship inspectors' and fill in the details to register yourself as an inspector       

Check the email id used for registration. Next, check your spam/ junk email. If still, the problem persists, please contact support@sinotechmarine.com

After filling in details in one section, click on the 'save' tab at the bottom of the page. Your filled details & attachments will remain saved in the system. Once the internet connection restores, you can continue to update your profile from the point you left.

You need to complete all the sections and submit them for approval. You can only use and manage your account only after your account is approved by Sinotech's team. 

It is possible to change and update your details. Go to 'My Profile' and click on the update profile purple tab on the top right corner of the page to edit your profile.

For multiple details, click on the ‘Add More Education’ tab on the left side of the page. Fill and save the education details. After listing all the education, click on Next.

For adding multiple work experiences, click on the 'Add More Work Experience' tab. After listing the work experience, click on the Next tab to move to the next section.      

Services types sections provide the list of the services the inspector can provide for different types of vessels.

It is possible to register for multiple services. Click on the 'Add More Service' tab. After selecting the service type and mark the respective vessels for the service. Click on save and repeat the procedure for all the provided services.

Except for the basic details section, editing the rest is possible over time.  For updating or editing, go to 'My Profile' and edit the respective sections. Save the details after editing/ updating.      

The experience, knowledge, and competence of the surveyors are necessary parameters for our organization.  After submission of a profile, Sinotech Marine’s technical team will access your profile. After a thorough review and selection, our support staff will contact you via phone for a short conversation, followed by a video conference meeting for twenty minutes. After this, your profile is approved and a verified green tag is visible on the top left of your profile.

After thorough processing of your profile by our technical and operational team, Sinotech Marine will decide regarding your approval. You will receive the notification via email regarding the decision within five working days after the date of submission.

Sinotech Marine will decide on your profile approval within five working days. Our technical and operations team will review your profile which can take up to five working days. If no decision is provided even after five days, please contact support@sinotechmarine.com      

Please try to improve your profile by getting more experience and try again. For more questions regarding it, contact support@sinotechmarine.com

The basic details section is not editable once you submitted them. To edit them, contact us at support@sinotechmarine.com. Your account will be unapproved first, after which you can change/ edit the basic details section before resubmitting them for approval.       

Test scores provide an initial proficiency of the surveyor. Higher scores will lead to more inspection assignment inquiries and preferences from our clients.      

After the allocated time is over, the test will automatically get submitted and scores uploaded to your profile.

Yes, the test can be taken again after seven days of completion.

Yes, it is mandatory to take all the tests in order to check the initial competency of the registered inspectors.

To delete your account, please write to us at support@sinotechmarine.com. Our support staff will deregister you and delete your profile.

You cannot appear for the test until your account gets approved by Sinotech Marine's team.

Our clients who will use your services will grade and review your services along with Sinotech Marine's team.

Our customers will review your performance based on your knowledge, diligence, professionalism, and submitted report. The whole process is transparent to our customers and registered inspectors


Your profile is only visible and shared with potential clients from the shipping/ maritime industry.

Your profile is only visible and shared with potential clients from the shipping/ maritime industry.

Your test scores are only visible to our clients in the maritime industry who are interested in your services. 

If facing any difficulties or any questions related to shipinspector.com, please feel free to contact us at support@sinotechmarine.com.

Your data is protected and safe with Sinotech Marine. Your profile will be shared with potential clients from the shipping industry, requesting services in your region. For more information please click on the shared link. https://shipinspectors.com/privacy-policy.